Are you not fully satisfied and do you want to return your product? No problem! You have 14 days to return your order for FREE. Make sure to include the return form in the package, otherwise we can not process your return. We will provide you with a DHL return form.
Please take the following into consideration when returning a product/order:
- Make sure to send your return order within 14 days of delivery.
- The products still have to be in their original packaging. Make sure the package has been wrapped properly so that they will not damage during transport.
- The returned product(s) will not be accepted if: it/they are damaged or/if you tried to “fix” the damage.
Please note: if your product is damaged, make sure to contact our customer service. They are pleased to handle this for you. You can contact them by emailing:
IMPORTANT: Please always indicate your order number in your mail. It always starts with “BW” and is followed by 4 numbers, e.g. BW1234
Please use the return label in your package
or send your return package to:
Home Society B.V.
1e Poellaan 6
2161 LB Lisse
The Netherlands
Your return will after processing, be confirmed via email. The money will be returned to you within 7 working days.